Lavanda Romana - Diffusore a bastoncini botanici profumati (385 ml)
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Descrizione della fragranza: Il bergamotto croccante e l'eucalipto aprono le porte a un'elegante miscela di vera lavanda e vaniglia.
Nota: sono previste variazioni di colore del prodotto dovute a elementi naturali.
Dettagli del prodotto
Volume: 13 once fluide / 385 ml
Durata della vita: in media 6-12 mesi a seconda delle condizioni ambientali
Note olfattive: ambra, bergamotto, legno di cedro, eucalipto, lavanda fresca, muschio di lavanda, vaniglia
Essenziali: lavanda
Botaniche: Calliopsis, Ortensia, Larkspur, Lupino
Gorgeous packaging is the perfect complement to dramatic square bottles filled with real spices, fruit and botanicals. Every natural element you see inside the glass vessel is delicately placed there by hand. Lovingly packaged with a wooden cap + 10 reed sticks to fragrance your space without a flame.
Carefully remove the lid. Position the bottle on a level surface and insert the 10 reed sticks into the fragrance oil. Flip the reeds so the saturated ends are exposed and place the dry ends of the reeds into the bottle. Allow 24 hours for the fragrance to fully absorb into the reeds. At any time, you may freshen and increase the scent by flipping the reeds.
This product is flammable. Diffuser oil should not be ingested. Please use care as the oils can stain wooden surfaces, fabric, etc. Diffusers should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. Do not place in direct sunlight.